
Memmo 2020 Summer School

View the Project on GitHub MeMory-of-MOtion/summer-school

Join Memmo on Matrix

The main chatroom for the Memmo 2020 Summer School is

If you don’t already have a matrix account, you can follow those instructions to join us:

  1. Go to the application and create an account.

    Providing an E-mail is recommended (as this allow to recover a lost password), but it will block your use of the app until you click on the link sent by mail. You can also skip that and setup your e-mail later.

  2. Encryption is not used for the Memmo 2020 Summer School chatrooms, so you can skip its setup.

    (optional) However, if you are a crypto geek, here is what’s happening: all devices used with your account will generate a private key / public key pair to encrypt messages. So if you loose your device, you will not be able to decode your old messages on encrypted chatrooms again. To prevent this, Riot asks you to setup a strong passphrase, so that it can backup an encrypted version of your keys on the server.

  3. Once logged into Riot, you can join us at

If you have any issue or question, please contact by matrix or by e-mail.